HTML Article
A section of the page which can be independently distributed.
To demonstrate a foundational understanding and skill in modern HTML elements and APIs.
“The Web is text and text has a meaning. Ultimately the content that our browsers read is pure text … In the open web scenario our content can be shown, fed and remixed by third parties, search engines and accessibility tools.” – HTML5 Rocks
HTML Article
A section of the page which can be independently distributed.
Used to display tangentially related information that is separate from your content.
Additional information can be placed here!
Click here for more details
Additional information can be placed here!
Now we can highlight important text
Now we can highlight important text
An element used to display a number bound between two values
A read-only form element that can be used to show calculated data
Can be used to show the completion progress of a task.
A generic section of a document.
Each slide in this slideshow is made up of section elements
This example from MDN uses built in media selectors to show a larger picture if the patron's display is big enough. Otherwise it defaults to the smaller picture.
Both img and picture elements support the srcset attribute to take advantage of nicer displays.
Just like videos, when multiple sources are listed, the browser will fallback when it can't show the file format.
.loadImage {
display: inline-block;
width: 244px;
height: 211px;
background: url(./img/svg.svg);
background-size: 244px 211px;
.loadImageURI {
background: url("data:image/svg+xml;base64,[BASE64_ENCODED_STRING]")
I use svgomg to optimize my SVGs.
It compressed my file 34.96% and removed the extra data saved in my svg.