
Today I started working on fixing some CSS errors that were introduced from the new theme that was introduced in the middle of April. The css for these pages is written in Stylus, so I had to read up a little on the syntax that Stylus uses.


I almost have the CSS fixed, and I said that in Standup. It should be ready within an hour.

One on One

We discussed the Skills Development site and I made some goals on how to get further on on the development program.


Error messages now show up styled correctly in our app. The function declaration was after all the CSS that used that function, so it returned undefined. Makes perfect sense once you understand that is what Stylus was doing.

What I learned

  • Stylus has some cool mixins functionality that works well when you follow the rules

What I still need to learn

  • More Stylus

What I wish I had already learned

  • Compass or SASS those seem to be the big alternative CSS languages


13 May 2013
