Karma Reporter May 29, 2013
This morning I spent some time working on alternate datastaging URL. It should be really close for testing. I just have to make sure that all links that it catches, it can translate correctly into their correct datastaging URLs.
For Standup I was assigned a couple more translation errors. It seems like all the Russian translations errors are coming in now. They shouldn’t be too hard to fix as long as I can reproduce the errors myself, so I can test the fixes out.
A lot of people are gone this week for a conference down in California, so it is pretty quite here. It should get back to normal this coming Monday. We’ve been cancelling some of our weekly events just because attendance would have been so low. As for my afternoon. I finished working on an alternate reporter for our Karma tests so that we have a more verbose report once the tests have run.
What I learned
- Cool technologies tend to be in beta
What I still need to learn
- How to get the Karma reporter monkey patched into our files
What I wish I had already learned
- How to use WebStorm