
This morning I worked on getting some tests written for the client side files that we use. We use Mocha to run our tests, and the assertion library that we are currently using is called Chai. It has three styles of tests that can be written. Expect, Should, and Assert tests. I chose to write my tests using Expect.


I shared my three tests that I wrote. All three of them are failing at the moment because we use PhantomJS to run the tests, and it looks like I am doing something wrong. I’ll get it figured out before too long.


I continued to work on my tests. One of the developers helped me get PhantomJS up and running. That should help out for tomorrow.

What I learned

  • PhantomJS is a really cool idea, I just with there was more documentation

What I still need to learn

  • Chai and its version of Expect

What I wish I had already learned

  • Behavior Driven Development patterns for javascript


08 May 2013
