
I think I’ve figured out the client side tests. I’ve now written five tests and they are all passing! So now I will write some more tests.


I shared all my tests in Standup. Since they all passed, I have received the approval of writing more tests for the client side.

Team Meeting

A developer from my team presented on the conference that he attend last week. Another guy presented after him about the same conference. He used the slide deck that the presenter used and there were over fifty slides about color theory. After team meeting, I was able to go to lunch with some other people who had been working on their Skill Development sites. We ended up going to a Thai restraunt called Thai Drift. I had some sort of peanut soup, and it was delicious.


I just continued writing (and fixing) my client side tests.

What I learned

  • Chai has much better documentation than what I could find for PhantomJS

What I still need to learn

  • How to test if two objects are the same. The only tests I’ve written are for truthy and falsey values

What I wish I had already learned

  • Nothing in particular for today


09 May 2013
